12th International Congress of Ecology – INTECOL – Beijing 2017 http://www.intecol2017.org/en/index.asp

We would like to draw your attention to this symposium for the INTECOL Congress in Beijing in August 2017. Abstract submission is open until 15th March.


The focus is on landscape homogenization, a critical driver of biodiversity loss, but for which consistent evidence to inform landscape scale management alternatives is lacking and/or fragmented; and the impacts on functional diversity and associated ecosystem services, such as regulating and cultural services, are poorly known.

Aim of symposium

Landscape Homogenization and intensification: patterns of change

The symposium’s main goal is to identify the fundamental changes that are occurring in ecosystems as a result of biotic and environmental landscape simplification and address the management implications of these changes particularly as they relate to the human dimensions in terms of benefits and decisions within a spatial context. Contributions are welcomed to present efforts to disentangle different rates and scales of environmental change in relation to species range shifts associated to anthropogenic pressures leading to patterns of homogenization. Particular interest will be based on the understanding of different patterns of temporal β diversity to detect species loss and changes in community and functional composition, incl. patterns of species dominance.  The ultimate goal of this symposium is to generate an open debate to support a set of recommendations towards conservation targets and strategies needed to minimize the effect of homogenization and landscape intensification. Mitigation strategies of processes taking place at different scales is challenging because management decisions may need to be taken at various levels, by different actors in a concerted way.